Sunday, June 10, 2012

A Hundred Years from Now

A Hundred Years from Now

What will life be like, a hundred years from now?
What troubles my grandchildren shall face
what life they shall live
what joys they be blessed
what tiresome struggles shall put them to test
a hundred years from now?

What will life be like, a hundred years from now?
When I have passed away
will trees grow on rooftops
cars soar above seas
cities float atop clouds that blow in the breeze
a hundred years from now?

What will life be like, a hundred years from now?
If the blue and green Earth turn gray.
Will the swallows that twitter
the bluebirds that sing
disappear in a flash without taking a wing
a hundred years from now?

What will life be like, a hundred years from now?
I’m afraid I’ll be too old to tell.
But hopefully someone
who struggles and fights
for the very same reasons that bring the earth light
will still be there, out somewhere
a hundred years from now.
~Caeli MacLennan